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File access

Getting started


This article is intended for web developers who have already set up the Filmchief REST API and who need to access to files in a Filmchief database. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with Filmchief from a user's point of view.


To access files, all you need is a working Filmchief REST API connection.

Basic file access

To access public files, just request https://«FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER».filmchief.com/f/«filename», where «filename» is the name value of a file that you get from the API.

Please note: name typically begins with /files/ so don't forget to include that in your URL. For example, to retrieve a file with name /files/example.jpg, the full URL would be:

https://«FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER».filmchief.com/f/files/example.jpg

Protected files

Certain files are not intended for publication, therefore they are not accessible using the above method. You can recognize these files by their name, which starts with /files/.protected/.

To retrieve a protected file, you must add an auth parameter to the URL, which can be constructed as follows:

  1. Create a string by concatenating «FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER» and «FILE DOWNLOAD KEY».
  2. The auth parameter value is the MD5 hash of the above string.

For example, to retrieve the protected file /files/.protected/secret.pdf, the URL would be:

https://«FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER».filmchief.com/f/files/.protected/secret.pdf?auth=«AUTH KEY»

Image operations

The server also accepts a format parameter, which provides various options to retrieve a scaled or cropped copy of an image, for example:

  • Reduced to max. 480 pixels wide: https://«FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER».filmchief.com/f/«filename»?format=w480
  • Reduced to max. 200 pixels tall: https://«FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER».filmchief.com/f/«filename»?format=h200

Combining multiple format options is also possible, for example:

  • Covering a minimal rectangle of 300 x 500 and cropped to 300 x 500: https://«FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER».filmchief.com/f/«filename»?format=cvw300cvh500crw300crh500

Here is a list of all possible format options:

Option Meaning Example
w maxWidth w480
h maxHeight h200
mw minWidth mw480
mh minHeight mh200
cvw coverWidth cvw480
cvh coverHeight cvh200
crw cropWidth crw480
crh cropHeight crh200
q quality (10-100) — only applicable to JPG images q100
{{#files}} {{/files}}