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API reference, tools and resources for developers

The Filmchief JavaScript API documentation

This is a JavaScript wrapper of the Filmchief REST API.

In most cases it is preferable to connect with the API server-side. Please see the Filmchief REST API documentation.

Getting started


This documentation is designed for people familiar with JavaScript programming and object-oriented programming concepts. You should also be familiar with Filmchief from a user's point of view. There are many JavaScript tutorials available on the Web.

We recommend acquiring a Web developer role (ask your Administrator about this) and enable Show API column names on your My account page. This way, you will be able to navigate through the festival database to get a sense of its contents, and see the internal column names which you will be using in your API calls.


Before you start, make sure that you have everything you need.

  • A Premium Filmchief license is required.
  • The Filmchief API must be enabled.
  • The Primary API user must be defined.
  • A JavaScript API key
  • An HTML editor

About the Primary API user

The Primary API user is probably you: the person responsible for the API requests that are sent to our servers. If an API request fails, you will receive an error report that informs you about the details of what went wrong.

The Primary API user also serves as our primary contact for important notifications concerning the Filmchief API.

You can set the Primary API user at System About Filmchief.

Getting a JavaScript API key

To use the Filmchief JavaScript API, you need a JavaScript API key. If your festival has a Premium license, you will it at System About Filmchief.

Loading the API

To start using the JavaScript API, just include the following line of code in the <head> section of your HTML file:

<script src="https://«FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER».filmchief.com/api/js?key=«JAVASCRIPT API KEY»"></script>

Note: Make sure to replace FESTIVAL IDENTIFIER with your festival’s subdomain name (the part before .filmchief.com) and JAVASCRIPT API KEY with the key obtained from Filmchief.

On the About Filmchief page, you will find a ready-to-use version of the above script inclusion line.

Testing if the API was loaded successfully

Now that you have included the JavaScript API script, you can test if the API was loaded successfully:

<script> function initialize() { if (thiswayup.filmchief.loaded) { alert('The Filmchief API was loaded successfully!'); } else { alert(The Filmchief API was not loaded. Reason: ' + thiswayup.filmchief.errorHeading); // A more detailed error message is available too: console.log(thiswayup.filmchief.errorMessage); } }; thiswayup.filmchief.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script>

A thiswayup.filmchief object should be available in the window namespace. When the load event occurs, you may check thiswayup.filmchief.loaded, a boolean value that indicates if the API was loaded successfully.

If something went wrong, the reason why the API was not loaded successfully can be read from thiswayup.filmchief.errorHeading and thiswayup.filmchief.errorMessage.

Getting user information

When the Filmchief JavaScript API is loaded, you can retrieve information about the current session.

The following example shows how to detect if your client is currently signed in on Filmchief, and retrieve their user ID, display name and e-mail address.

<script> function initialize() { if (thiswayup.filmchief.loaded) { if (thiswayup.filmchief.signedIn()) { var userDetails = thiswayup.filmchief.getUserDetails(); alert('User ID: ' + userDetails.userID + ', name: ' + userDetails.displayName + ', e-mail: ' + userDetails.emailAddress); } else { alert('Not signed in at this time.'); } } else { alert(The Filmchief API was not loaded. Reason: ' + thiswayup.filmchief.errorHeading); // A more detailed error message is available too: console.log(thiswayup.filmchief.errorMessage); } }; thiswayup.filmchief.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize); </script>

A thiswayup.filmchief object should be available in the window namespace. When the load event occurs, you may check thiswayup.filmchief.loaded, a boolean value that indicates if the API was loaded successfully.

If something went wrong, the reason why the API was not loaded successfully can be read from thiswayup.filmchief.errorHeading and thiswayup.filmchief.errorMessage.

Reader class

thiswayup.filmchief.Reader class

A service for reading data from Filmchief.

Creates a new instance of the Reader service.


var reader = new window.thiswayup.filmchief.Reader();
Return Value:  None
Call this method to verify if an email address can be used to create a new account.
emailAddress Required
Type:  string
The email address to check.
Type:  string

Use this keyword to express for which purpose the email availability check is being made. Can be one of the following values:

(default) Verify the specified email address as though it were to be used to create a new account.
Same as new-email, but no new account can be created if a user record exists without an account (statusName is noAccount, see below)
For internal use only. (Not intended to be used in the Reader API)
Type:  string
Localizes some of the returned values. Specify a lower-case two-letter ISO-639 language code, optionally followed by an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166 country code, separated with an underscore. For example: "de" for German or "pt_PT" for Portuguese, Portugal.
result object: data
Type:  int
Indicates how long ago an email with an account activation link was sent to this email address. Note: this number is always negative.
Type:  bool
Indicates if a new user account can be created using the specified email address.
Type:  string
This keyword indicates why a new user account can or cannot be created. The following values are possible:
No user record exists with the specified email address - a new account can be created.
The account has been deleted - a new account can be created.
The account has been blocked by the festival. The account must first be unblocked or deleted before the email address can be used again to sign in or create an account.
A user record exists, but there is no account. The account can be claimed by requesting an activation token using the link in the statusDescriptionOwnerExternal property of the result data.
Activation link of non-activated account expired - the user did not activate the account in time and must request a new activation token using the link in the statusDescriptionOwnerExternal property of the result data.
Waiting for activation - an email with an activation link was sent activationLinkSentTimeDiffSeconds seconds ago (and it is still valid). The user should be instructed to find that email and click on the activation link.
The email address belongs to an active account. Access can be reclaimed by the "Forgot password" procedure.
Type:  string Localized
A human-readable version of the statusName value.
Type:  string (HTML) Localized

Recommended course of action based on the status of the account associated with the specified email address.

Note: This text is only intended for internal use by administrators.

For example:
This email address is already associated with a <a href="/admin/user/12345">profile without an account</a>. The account can be claimed by the owner of the email address.

Type:  string (HTML) Localized

Recommended course of action based on the status of the account associated with the specified email address.

For example:
This email address already exists in our database. <a href="/activate-account?email=test@example.net">Please create your account here.</a>

Return Value:  None
Call this method to verify if the specified username (or email address) and password combination is valid and can be used to sign in.
username Required
Type:  string
The username (or email address) to verify.
password Required
Type:  string
The password to verify.
Type:  string
Localizes some of the returned values. Specify a lower-case two-letter ISO-639 language code, optionally followed by an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166 country code, separated with an underscore. For example: "de" for German or "pt_PT" for Portuguese, Portugal.
result object: data
Type:  bool
Indicates if the specified credentials are valid and can be used to sign in.
Type:  int
ID of the user who can be signed in (note: userID is only returned if the specified credentials are valid and can be used to sign in).
Type:  string
This keyword indicates why this attempt to sign in is allowed or denied. The following values are possible:
The specified username (or email address) and password combination is not valid.
No username (or email address) and/or password was specified.
The account has been blocked by the festival. The user must be asked to contact the festival.
Although the credentials are valid, the account is not yet activated. The user must be asked to activate the account or request a new password.
Signing in is allowed - the specified username (or email address) and password combination is valid and belongs to an active, non-blocked account.
Type:  string Localized

Suggested message to display to the user who is trying to sign in.

For example:
Invalid username or password. Please check your username and password, then try again.

getAccreditations(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all accreditations in a specified event, optionally filtered by accreditation status.
eventID Required
Type:  int
Identifies the event of the requested accreditations. Use getEvents to obtain information about existing events, including their IDs.
Type:  string
If set, results are restricted to match only accreditations with the specified accreditation status (identified by abbreviation). To match multiple accreditation status values, separate the abbreviations using commas.
Type:  string
Comma-separated string of requested column names. Available columns vary across festivals; see Filmchief System Security Accreditations to find out which columns are available. If not set, the resulting data consists of the columns described below.
callback function: data
Type:  int
The ID of the accreditation.
Type:  string
The full name of the person associated with the accreditation.
Type:  object
This is usually the final status of the accreditation, decided by the festival. It determines whether or not the accreditation is granted. Depending on the festival’s workflow, other meanings may have been attributed to this field. The object has the following properties:
Name of the accreditation status, for example "Granted"
ID of the accreditation status label
Abbreviation (internal name) of the accreditation status, for example "granted"
Hexadecimal color code of the accreditation status, for example "#E91E63"
Type:  object
This usually indicates which badge the accredited guest receives. Depending on the festival’s workflow, other meanings may have been attributed to this field. The object has the following properties:
Name of the badge type, for example "Press"
ID of the badge type label
Abbreviation (internal name) of the badge type, for example "press"
Hexadecimal color code of the badge type, for example "#E91E63"
Type:  object
Describes in which professional capacity the guest is attending the event. The object has the following properties:
Name at organization, for example "Kathy Jones at Future Media"
Function at organization, for example "Director at Future Media"
Name: Function, for example "Kathy Jones: Director"
Name of the person, for example "Kathy Jones"
Function title, for example "Director"
Name of the organization, for example "Future Media"
ID of the occupation (the relation between the person and the organization)
ID of the person (corresponds with userID)
ID of the organization (corresponds with organizationID)
Type:  string
Date the guest is expected to arrive, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
Type:  string
Date the guest is expected to leave, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.


The following example retrieves information about all granted or pre-approved accreditations of the event with eventID 1:

reader.getAccreditations( { eventID: 1, accreditationStatus: 'granted,preapproved' }, function(data) { console.log(data); } );
Return Value:  None
Converts a URL (within the festival's filmchief.com subdomain) to a personalized link (also known as a "magic link"). When following a personalized link, the associated user is immediately signed in. If the user record is not yet associated with an account, the account will be immediately activated and the user will be asked to set a password, then taken to the targeted page.
userID Required
Type:  int
The ID of the user record to generate a personalized link for.
url Required
Type:  string
URL of the targeted page. This can be either a full URL or a path.
Type:  int
An ISO 8601 duration string that defines for how long the link remains valid, for example 'P10D'. Verbal formats (such as '10 days') are also supported by the parser - see https://php.net/manual/en/dateinterval.createfromdatestring.php for some examples. The default value is defined in settings.personalLinksExpirationTime (typically 90 days).
result object: data
Type:  string
The generated personal link.

Make sure to share this link only with the person who owns the associated user record!

Type:  int
UNIX timestamp of when the personal link expires.
getCreditDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of a credit identified by creditID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested credit by its ID.
callback function: data
* All properties of the requested credit. See Filmchief System Security Credits for more details.
getData(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
This is the most universal method to request data from any specific table. The result set can be restricted to certain columns or rows (using filters), and it can be sorted.
table Required
Type:  string or int
Identifies the table (by ID or internal table name) from which data is requested. Commonly used tables are: accreditation, event, film, filmCopy, location, organization, program, programLine, user, viewing. See Filmchief System Security Table-level permission defaults for a complete list of existing tables. You will find the internal table name of any table on its details page.
Type:  string
Comma-separated string of requested column names. Available columns vary across festivals; in Filmchief, see the details page of the selected table to find out which columns are available. If not set, all columns are included.
Type:  string

Filters can be used to restrict the data by certain criteria. You can define one or more filter using a special filter syntax. There are different types of filters, for various types of columns:

Foreign key filters

Columns that directly refer to another table can be filtered like this:

value -column film.submittedForEvent [10]
This filter selects films that were submitted for the event with ID 10. To select all films that were submitted for two events, you can comma-separate the ID values:

value -column film.submittedForEvent [9,10]
This filter selects films that were submitted for the event with ID 9 or 10.

Tags (many-to-many relations) filters

To filter by labels/tags or other fields with a many-to-many relationship, use the option-values filter to find records with matching IDs:

option-values -column film.shownInEvents [10]
This filter selects films that were screened in the event with ID 10. Again, use commas to separate multiple IDs:

option-values -column film.shownInEvents [9,10]
This filter selects films that were screened in the event with ID 9 or 10.

Tags filter modes

For tags filters, the -mode parameter controls how the filter works. Possible options are:

  • or: checks if any of the specified values match
  • and: checks if all of the specified values match
  • not: checks if none of the specified values match

Some examples:

option-values -column film.shownInEvents -mode and [9,10]
This filter selects films that were screened both in the event with ID 9 and 10.

option-values -column film.shownInEvents -mode not [9,10]
This filter selects films that were neither screened in the event with ID 9 nor 10.

Filtering tags by abbreviation

Some labels (tags) have an Abbreviation, which makes them easier to filter. Instead of option-values, use abbreviation to filter by the abbreviation of tags. For example:

abbreviation -column event.eventType ["main"]
This filter selects events with event type "Main event" using the abbreviation of the "event type" label.

Finding records with no tags

To include the Not set option in your filter, use the null keyword as a filter value. For example:

option-values -column event.eventType [null]
This filter selects events with no event type. This also works with the abbreviation filter.

Range filters

Use a range filter to find records with a value between a certain range.

range -column review.rating -min 2 -max 4
This filter selects reviews with a rating between 2 and 4.

range -column history.lastCascadedChange -min 2021-05-09 00:00:00
This filter selects records from the history table for rows that were changed (directly or indirectly) since 9 May 2021.

Text filters

text -column film.originalTitle -mode contains ["now"]
This filter selects films of which the Original title contains the text 'now'.

Text filter modes

For text filters, the -mode parameter controls how the text filter works. Possible options are:

  • contains: checks if the specified text occurs in the specified column
  • does-not-contain: checks if the specified text doesn't occur in the specified column
  • empty: checks if the cell is empty
  • nonempty: checks if the cell is non-empty

Combining multiple filters

Multiple filters are separated with a | character.

option-values -column film.shownInEvents [10]|abbreviation -column film.premiere -mode not [null,"no-premiere"]
This filter selects films that were screened in the event with ID 10, with any Premiere tag.

Type:  string
Comma-separated string of column names to sort the data by, optionally suffixed with + (ascending) or - (descending) to indicate sort direction.
Type:  int
The row number after which the limited rows are returned. Note: An orderBy clause is not required; however, without an orderBy clause, the results are non-deterministic because results within a result set are not necessarily in any particular order. To control the results returned, use an orderBy clause.
Type:  int
The number of rows returned. Note: An orderBy clause is not required; however, without an orderBy clause, the results are non-deterministic because results within a result set are not necessarily in any particular order. To control the results returned, use an orderBy clause.
callback function: data
* All requested columns.


The following example retrieves event ID, name, publication level, start and end date of all main events, sorted by descending start date:

reader.getEvents( { table: 'event', columns: 'eventID,name,publicationLevel,startDate,endDate', filters: 'abbreviation -column event.eventType ["main"]', orderBy: 'startDate-' }, function(data) { console.log(data); } );
getEvents(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests basic information about all events or a selection of events, based on the specified criteria.
Type:  int
If set, results are restricted to match only events in the specified year.
Type:  string or int
If set, results are restricted to match only events of the specified type (identified by ID or abbreviation). Normally, the abbreviation main represents the annual main event of the festival.
callback function: data
Type:  int
The ID of the event.
Type:  string
The full name of the event.
Type:  object
Information about the type of event. The object has the following properties:
Name of the event type, for example "Main event"
ID of the event type label
Abbreviation (internal name) of the event type, for example "main"
Hexadecimal color code of the event type, for example "#E91E63"
Type:  string
Start date of the event, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.
Type:  string
End date of the event, formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.


The following example retrieves information about all main events that took place in 2024:

reader.getEvents( { year: 2024, eventType: 'Main event' }, function(data) { console.log(data); } );
getEventDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of an event identified by eventID or name.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested event by its ID. Either eventID or name is required.
Type:  string
Identifies the requested event by its name. Either eventID or name is required.
callback function: data
* All properties of the requested event. See Filmchief System Security Events for more details.
getEventViewingSchedule(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests detailed information about an event identified by eventID, which can be used to build a time schedule.
Type:  int Required
Identifies of which event viewing schedule information is requested.
Type:  string
Defines how the range of the schedule’s timeline is calculated. The following values are allowed:
Use the festival’s defaults
Use the full range (0-24 hours)
Use the range specifed by firstHourSlot and lastHourSlot
Automatically determine which range optimally shows all program blocks
Type:  int
The hour of day of the earliest timeslot in the schedule. Must be between 0 and 23.
Default:  See Filmchief System Settings Event schedule default settings. The global default value can be overridden at Event level.
Type:  int
The hour of day of the latest timeslot in the schedule. Must be between 0 and 23.
Default:  See Filmchief System Settings Event schedule default settings. The global default value can be overridden at Event level.
Type:  int
The hour of day that signifies a new festival day. Since some programs (parties) start after midnight but should be kept together with the preceding day’s program, set this to (for example) 6, when the are no more nighttime programs.
Default:  Depends on timelineMode:
Automatically calculated (matching firstHourSlot)
Type:  bool
Specifies whether to include the preparation time in the schedule data.
Default:  false
Type:  string
Defines which programs are included in the schedule. The following values are allowed:
Hide closed programs/viewings, include public viewings
All programs/viewings, including closed
Include only public programs
Include only closed programs
Default:  auto
Type:  bool
Type:  bool
Type:  int
Type:  int
Type:  string (comma-separated values)
Type:  string (comma-separated values)
Type:  string (comma-separated values)
Type:  string (comma-separated values)
Type:  string (comma-separated values)
Comma-separated ID values of program lines to filter viewings by.
callback function: data
Type:  object
General information about the schedule.
Type:  array of objects
Each object in this array contains all properties of a viewing in the requested event. See Filmchief System Security Viewings for more details.
Type:  array of objects
Each object in this array contains all properties of a program line in the requested event. Use this data to build the schedule’s legend.
getFilmCopyDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of a film copy identified by filmCopyID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested film copy by its ID.
callback function: data
* All properties of the requested film copy. See Filmchief System Security Film copies for more details.
getFilmCredits(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of credits of the specified film, identified by filmID or idNr.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested film by its internal ID (referred to as filmID).
Type:  string
Identifies the requested film by its external ID (as used by the festival, referred to as idNr).
callback function: data
* All credits of the requested film. See Filmchief System Security Credits for more details.
getFilmDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of a film identified by filmID or idNr.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested film by its internal ID (referred to as filmID).
Type:  string
Identifies the requested film by its external ID (as used by the festival, referred to as idNr).
callback function: data
* All properties of the requested film. See Filmchief System Security Films for more details.
getFilmsShownInEvent(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests specified columns of films shown in the specified event (identified by eventID).
Type:  int
Identifies the event.
Type:  string
Comma-separated string of requested column names. Available columns vary across festivals; see Filmchief System Security Films to find out which columns are available.
callback function: data
* Requested properties of films shown in the specified event.
getImage(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Returns a URL to an image, optionally scaled to meet specified constraints.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested image by its ID.
Type:  int
Optional maximum width in pixels.
Type:  int
Optional maximum height in pixels.
Type:  int
Optional minimum width in pixels.
Type:  int
Optional minimum height in pixels.
Type:  int
Optional width (in pixels) to make the image cover at least a certain area (use in conjunction with coverHeight). Best combined with cropWidth and cropHeight.
Type:  int
Optional height (in pixels) to make the image cover at least a certain area (use in conjunction with coverWidth). Best combined with cropWidth and cropHeight.
Type:  int
Optional width (in pixels) to crop the image to (applied after scaling).
Type:  int
Optional height (in pixels) to crop the image to (applied after scaling).
Type:  int
Optional compression quality setting (1-100). A value of 100 represents best quality, least compression. Default quality is 80.
callback function: data
Type:  string
URL of the (scaled) image, URL-encoded according to RFC 3986
Return Value:  None
Requests data from any existing list. You may select all records from a list, or a paginated subset.
listID Required
Type:  int
Identifies the list (by ID) of which data is requested.
Type:  string
Some lists require one or more parameter values, which determine the selected records. Note: this currently only applies to internal Filmchief lists, so you can safely ignore this option.
Type:  int
Set to specify the offset of the selected records. This corresponds with the OFFSET value in an SQL LIMIT clause.
Type:  int
Set to any positive integer value to limit the result set to the specified number of rows. This corresponds with the COUNT value in an SQL LIMIT clause. If omitted, getListData assumes the page size of the selected list. Set to 0 to select all records from the list.
callback function: data
Type:  object (table)
Array of all selected records.
Type:  object
Various key-value pairs that provide general information about the selected records.
getMeetings(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all meetings in the specified event.
eventID Required
Type:  int
Identifies the requested event by its ID.
callback function: data
Type:  array of <Meeting>
Array of requested meetings, in no particular order. See Filmchief System Security Meetings for more details.
getOnlineResources(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all online resources in the specified event, or all online resources used in the specified viewing.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested event by its ID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested viewing by its ID. If viewingID is specified, there is no need to also specify eventID.
callback function: data
Type:  array of <OnlineResource>
Array of requested online resources, in no particular order. See Filmchief System Security Online resources for more details.
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of a order identified by orderID.
orderID Required
Type:  int
Identifies the requested order by its ID.
Type:  string
If set, some results are localized to the specified language. Specify a lower-case two-letter ISO-639 language code, optionally followed by an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166 country code, separated with an underscore. For example: "de" for German or "pt_PT" for Portuguese, Portugal.
callback function: data

All properties of the requested order. See Filmchief System Security Orders for more details.

Some notable fields include:

Type:  tinyint (0 or 1)
Indicates if the order is a requested payment (1) or a shopping cart (0).
Type:  tinyint (0, 1 or 2)
Indicates the transaction status of this order:

0: the transaction has not started
1: waiting for the transaction to complete
2: transaction complete
Type:  tinyint (0, 1 or 2)
This indicates the processing status of this order. During order processing, Filmchief may generate tickets, assign passes, generate a receipt PDF, and send a payment confirmation email. Order processing starts immediately after the transaction has completed. Possible status values are:

0: the order has not yet been processed
1: busy processing the order
2: processing complete
Type:  object

Currency of all prices in this order. This object consists of the following properties:

Type:  int
Internal ID of this currency.
Type:  string
Three letter ISO-4217 currency code, e.g. "EUR".
Type:  string
Symbol of this currency, e.g. "€".
Type:  string
Name of this currency, e.g. "Euro".
Type:  string
Reference value (shown when this currency is referenced from another table).
Type:  int/string

Total price of this order, including tax.

Note: because of floating-point issues in JavaScript (and JSON), values with fractions are stored as a string (e.g. "2.05").

Type:  string (html) Localized
Compact description of the ordered products, each product separated by <br>, in the specified language. This field is recommended to be displayed to the user, to show what they are buying.
getOrganizationDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of an organization identified by organizationID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested organization by its ID.
callback function: data
* All properties of the requested organization. See Filmchief System Security Organizations for more details.
getProgramDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of a program identified by programID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested program by its ID.
callback function: data
* All properties of the requested program. See Filmchief System Security Programs for more details.
getProgramItems(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all items of a program identified by programID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested program by its ID.
callback function: data
Type:  array of <ProgramItem>
All items of the requested program, in chronological order. See Filmchief System Security Program items for more details.
getProgramLineDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all details of a program line identified by programLineID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested program line by its ID.
callback function: data
* All properties of the requested program line. See Filmchief System Security Program lines for more details.
getProgramLines(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests program lines in the specified event. Either all program lines, or only the main program lines are returned.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested event by its ID. If no event is specified, program lines from all events are returned.
Type:  bool (default: true)
When true, all program lines in the event are returned. When false, only the main program lines of the event are returned.
callback function: data
Type:  array of <ProgramLine>
Array of requested program lines, ordered by hierarchial position (i.e. depth-first, like a Tree view). See Filmchief System Security Program lines for more details.
getPrograms(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all programs in the specified event or program line.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested event by its ID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested program line by its ID. If programLineID is specified, there is no need to also specify eventID.
callback function: data
Type:  array of <Program>
Array of requested programs, ordered by position in the program line. If the results cover multiple program lines, the program lines are ordered hierarchically (i.e. depth-first, like a Tree view). See Filmchief System Security Programs for more details.
getTicketingDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests information relevant for ticketing of one or more viewings.
Type:  int
If set, results are restricted to viewings that are part of the requested event. Note: eventID, programID or viewingID is required.
Type:  int
If set, results are restricted to viewings of the requested program. Note: eventID, programID or viewingID is required.
Type:  int
If set, results are restricted to the requested viewing only. Note: eventID, programID or viewingID is required.
Type:  string
Comma-separated ID values or abbreviation values of point of sale types to filter ticket types and price levels by.

If you are integrating ticketing in your festival site, specify online to restrict to tickets that are available online.

Type:  string
ID or code of the current interface language, e.g. 'en' or 'nl'.
Type:  int
Set to 1 to exclude tickets that are no longer / not yet available.
callback function: data
Type:  array
The data object is an array of requested viewings, including ticketing information. Each element consists of the following properties:
Type:  int
The ID of the viewing.
Type:  string (datetime)
Date and time this viewing starts. Date and time are formatted as ISO 8601 with UTC time zone identifier 'Z': yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
Type:  string
The location where the viewing takes place.
Type:  string
Title of the program. Based on the lang parameter or the language preferences of the current user, the translated version is returned if applicable.
Type:  string
Secondary title of the program. Based on the lang parameter or the language preferences of the current user, the translated version is returned if applicable.
Type:  string (html)
Short description of the program. Based on the lang parameter or the language preferences of the current user, the translated version is returned if applicable.
Type:  string (html)
Long description of the program. Based on the lang parameter or the language preferences of the current user, the translated version is returned if applicable.
Type:  string (datetime)
Date and time when ticket sales for this viewing start. Date and time are formatted as ISO 8601 with UTC time zone identifier 'Z': yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
Type:  string (datetime)
Date and time when ticket sales for this viewing (of any type or price level) end. This also takes into account the viewing’s start date/time and the Checkout deadline (global value or viewing-specific override). Date and time are formatted as ISO 8601 with UTC time zone identifier 'Z': yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
Type:  int (0 or 1)
Indicates if tickets for this viewing (of any type or price level) are on sale right now. This takes into account the sale period, as well as the viewing’s start date/time and the global Checkout deadline setting. For example, if a viewing starts at 17:00 and the checkout deadline is set to -15, then (online) ticket sales end at 16:45.
Type:  string
Currency symbol to use when displaying price information (see priceAmount below).
Type:  int
The total number of tickets remaining for this viewing.

If this value is 0, it means that tickets for this viewing are sold out; make sure to communicate this with your customers.

If tickets are almost running out, you can display an "Almost sold out!" notification to encourage customers to hurry up.

Type:  array
Array of available ticket types and price levels for this viewing. Each element has the following properties:
Type:  int
The ID of the product (ticket type).
Type:  string
Name of this product, e.g. "Regular ticket".
Type:  string
Description of this product, e.g. "Regular ticket price for online sales".
Type:  int
The ID of the promotion (= price level), if any.
Type:  string
Name of this price level, e.g. "Early bird reduction".
Type:  string
Description of this product, e.g. "Special reduced price (20% off) For our early bird customers.".
Type:  string (datetime)
Date and time when ticket sales of this ticket type and price level (if set) start. Date and time are formatted as ISO 8601 with UTC time zone identifier 'Z': yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
Type:  string (datetime)
Date and time ticket sales for this viewing of this ticket type and price level (if set) end. This also takes into account the viewing’s start date/time and the Checkout deadline (global value or viewing-specific override). Date and time are formatted as ISO 8601 with UTC time zone identifier 'Z': yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
Type:  int (0 or 1)
Indicates if tickets for this viewing of this ticket type and price level (if set) are on sale right now. This takes into account the sale period, as well as the viewing’s start date/time and the Checkout deadline (global value or viewing-specific override). For example, if a viewing starts at 17:00 and the checkout deadline is set to -15, then (online) ticket sales end at 16:45.
Type:  decimal(7,2)
Effective price per ticket (including VAT).
Type:  string
Additional information about the specified price, e.g. "40% discount".
Type:  int
The ID of a list that defines which guests (accreditations) are eligible for this price level.

If this value is not null, you can inform your customer that "Conditions apply" or something along those lines. On the Cart and Checkout pages, Filmchief will verify if the customer is actually eligible.

Type:  string
Comma-separated IDs of promotion code sets applicable to this price level.

If this value is not null, you can display a "Promotion code required" notification. On the Cart page, the customer can enter the required promotion code.


The following example retrieves online ticketing information of all viewings in a particular program (with programID = 598) for the currently signed in user.

reader.getTicketingDetails( { programID: 598, pointOfSaleTypes: 'online', onSaleNow: 1 }, function(data) { console.log(data); } );
Example response:
{ "data": [ { "viewingID": 698, "startDateTime": "2019-11-15 12:00:00Z", "locationLabel": "Ketelhuis 1", "programTitle": "Dutch Classics I: Musical Encounters", "programSubtitle": "", "programShortDescription": null, "programLongDescription": null, "onSaleNow": 1, "saleStartDateTime": "2020-09-03T11:00:00Z", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-15T11:45:00Z", "currencySymbol": "€", "ticketingDetails": [ { "productID": 11, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:29:00Z", "productName": "Regular Ticket Test", "productDescription": "Regular Ticket Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-15T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 10, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null }, { "productID": 12, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:33:00Z", "productName": "Student Tickets Test", "productDescription": "Student Tickets Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-15T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 8, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null }, { "productID": 13, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:39:00Z", "productName": "Kid Tickets Test", "productDescription": "Kid Tickets Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-15T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 6.5, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null } ], "ticketsRemaining": 143 }, { "viewingID": 699, "startDateTime": "2019-11-16 12:00:00Z", "locationLabel": "Ketelhuis 3", "programTitle": "Dutch Classics I: Musical Encounters", "programSubtitle": "", "programShortDescription": null, "programLongDescription": null, "onSaleNow": 1, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:29:00Z", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-16T11:45:00Z", "currencySymbol": "€", "ticketingDetails": [ { "productID": 11, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:29:00Z", "productName": "Regular Ticket Test", "productDescription": "Regular Ticket Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-16T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 10, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null }, { "productID": 12, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:33:00Z", "productName": "Student Tickets Test", "productDescription": "Student Tickets Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-16T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 8, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null }, { "productID": 13, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:39:00Z", "productName": "Kid Tickets Test", "productDescription": "Kid Tickets Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-16T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 6.5, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null } ], "ticketsRemaining": 50 }, { "viewingID": 700, "startDateTime": "2019-11-17 12:00:00Z", "locationLabel": "Machinegebouw Grote zaal (4)", "programTitle": "Dutch Classics I: Musical Encounters", "programSubtitle": "", "programShortDescription": null, "programLongDescription": null, "onSaleNow": 1, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:29:00Z", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-17T11:45:00Z", "currencySymbol": "€", "ticketingDetails": [ { "productID": 11, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:29:00Z", "productName": "Regular Ticket Test", "productDescription": "Regular Ticket Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-17T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 10, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null }, { "productID": 12, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:33:00Z", "productName": "Student Tickets Test", "productDescription": "Student Tickets Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-17T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 8, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null }, { "productID": 13, "saleStartDateTime": "2019-09-02T14:39:00Z", "productName": "Kid Tickets Test", "productDescription": "Kid Tickets Test", "saleEndDateTime": "2019-11-17T11:45:00Z", "promotionID": null, "promotionName": null, "promotionDescription": null, "priceAmount": 6.5, "priceNote": null, "promotionAccreditationListID": null, "promotionCodeSets": null } ], "ticketsRemaining": 180 } ], "accepted": true }
getUserDetails(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all or specified details of a person identified by userID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested person by its ID.
Type:  string
Comma-separated string of requested column names. Available columns vary across festivals; see Filmchief System Security People to find out which columns are available. If not set, the resulting data consists of the all available columns.
callback function: data
* All properties of the requested person. See Filmchief System Security People for more details.
getViewings(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Requests all viewings in the specified event, or all viewings of the specified program.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested event by its ID.
Type:  int
Identifies the requested program by its ID. If programID is specified, there is no need to also specify eventID.
Type:  datetime
Minimum startDateTime value. Use this parameter to only select viewings that start after (or at) the specified date and time. The date and time must be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
Type:  datetime
Maximum startDateTime value. Use this parameter to only select viewings that start before (or at) the specified date and time. The date and time must be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
callback function: data
Type:  array of <Viewing>
Array of requested viewings, ordered chronologically. See Filmchief System Security Viewings for more details.

Shop class

thiswayup.filmchief.Shop class

A service for integrating shop / ticketing functionality.

Creates a new instance of the Shop service.


var shop = new window.thiswayup.filmchief.Shop();
cartAddItems(options:Object, callback:function(data:Object))
Return Value:  None
Adds one or more items to the shopping cart.
items Required
Type:  array
Array of items to add to the shopping cart. Each element is an object with the following properties:
ID of the product to add to the cart
Optional ID of the selected price level
Optional ID of the viewing (if the product is a ticket)
Number of items
callback function: data
Type:  object

Information about the updated shopping cart, with the following properties:

ID of the order of the current shopping cart
Total number of items currently in the cart.
Tip: use this information to refresh the numeric indicator badge on the shopping cart icon.
Number of items that were added to the cart.
Tip: show a pop-up window and tell the customer how many items were added, and offer a choice to continue shopping or to proceed to checkout.


The following example adds two tickets for viewingID 10 to the shopping cart, one with a regular price, and one on a specific price level:

shop.cartAddItems( { items: [ { viewingID: 10, productID: 2, promotionID: null, quantity: 1 }, { viewingID: 10, productID: 3, promotionID: 5, quantity: 1 } ] }, function(data) { console.log(data); } );
Example response:

The response data object will contain something like this:

{ cartInfo: { cartOrderID: 87, itemCount: 5, itemsAddedCount: 2 } }

Writer class

thiswayup.filmchief.Writer class

A service for modifying data on Filmchief.

Creates a new instance of the Writer service.


var writer = new window.thiswayup.filmchief.Writer();
Return Value:  None

Call this method to register the in-app purchase of a single product by the app user. Based on the specified user and product, an order is created, validated, completed, and processed. Depending on the sold product type, Filmchief may generate a ticket, assign a pass. It will generate a receipt PDF and send a payment confirmation email.

Note: order processing may take up to a minute to complete.

userID Required
Type:  int
ID of the user (i.e. the customer).
productID Required
Type:  int
ID of the product that is sold to the customer.
Type:  string
If set, the payment confirmation email is sent in the specified language. If not set, the preferred language of the customer's user account is used. Specify a lower-case two-letter ISO-639 language code, optionally followed by an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166 country code, separated with an underscore. For example: "de" for German or "pt_PT" for Portuguese, Portugal.
[accepted] result object: data
Type:  string
URL to download the receipt PDF.
[not accepted] result object: rejectedReason
Type:  string
Describes why the order could not be completed.
Type:  string

This keyword indicates why the order could not be completed. The following values are possible:

The database is in read-only mode.
No user ID or product ID was specified.
No user record exists with the specified user ID.
No product record exists with the specified product ID.
The specified product is not available for in-app purchases.
Failed to add the specified product to the order. This error should never occur - contact Filmchief support if it does.
Failed to generate a checkout URL for the newly created order. This error should never occur - contact Filmchief support if it does.
Return Value:  None

Call this method to mark the order of an in-app payment request as complete, and to start processing the order. When an order is processed, depending on which products are sold, Filmchief may generate tickets, assign passes, generate a receipt PDF, and send a payment confirmation email.

orderID Required
Type:  int
ID of the order to complete and process.
Type:  string
If set, the payment confirmation email is sent in the specified language. If not set, the preferred language of the customer's user account is used. Specify a lower-case two-letter ISO-639 language code, optionally followed by an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166 country code, separated with an underscore. For example: "de" for German or "pt_PT" for Portuguese, Portugal.
[accepted] result object: data
Type:  string
URL to download the receipt PDF.
[not accepted] result object: rejectedReason
Type:  string
Describes why the order could not be completed.
Type:  string

This keyword indicates why the order could not be completed. The following values are possible:

The database is in read-only mode.
No order ID was specified.
No order record exists with the specified order ID.
The order was already completed.
Return Value:  None
Call this method to create a new user account. An account activation email will be sent to the specified email address.
emailAddress Required
Type:  string
The email address of the new account, to which the account activation email is sent.
password Required
Type:  string
The password of the new account.
lang Required
Type:  string
Sets the preferred language of the new account, and localizes some of the returned values. Specify a lower-case two-letter ISO-639 language code, optionally followed by an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166 country code, separated with an underscore. For example: "de" for German or "pt_PT" for Portuguese, Portugal.
Type:  string
First name of the person who owns the new account.
Type:  string
Surname prefix of the person who owns the new account, e.g. "van der" (in Dutch names). Note: this field may not be in use.
Type:  string
Last name of the person who owns the new account.
[accepted] result object: data
Type:  int
ID of the created user record (if successful).
Type:  string
Email address the account activation email was sent to.
Type:  string
Email address the account activation email was sent from.
[not accepted] result object: rejectedReason
Type:  string Localized
Describes why the user account could not be created. If rejectedReason.code is one of the keywords listed below, it should be safe to display this message to the end user.
Type:  string

This keyword indicates why a new user account could not be created. The following values are possible:

The database is in read-only mode.
The account has been blocked by the festival. The account must first be unblocked or deleted before the email address can be used again to sign in or create an account.
A user record exists, but there is no account. The account can be claimed by requesting an activation token using the link in the rejectedReason.message property of the result data.
Activation link of non-activated account expired - the user did not activate the account in time and must request a new activation token using the link in the rejectedReason.message property of the result data.
Waiting for activation - an email with an activation link was sent recently (and it is still valid). The user should be instructed to find that email and click on the activation link.
The email address belongs to an active account. Access can be reclaimed by the "Forgot password" procedure.
Return Value:  None
Call this method to let a user set a new password for their account. The user will receive an email with further instructions.
Type:  string
The email address of the account to reset. Note: either emailAddress or username is required.
Type:  string
The username of the account to reset. Note: either emailAddress or username is required.
Type:  string
Optional path of a page to where the user is redirected after having set their new password. For example: "shop/sign-in". If not set, the user will be redirected to the Portal homepage.
Type:  string
If set, the email is sent in the specified language. If not set, the preferred language of the user account is used. Specify a lower-case two-letter ISO-639 language code, optionally followed by an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166 country code, separated with an underscore. For example: "de" for German or "pt_PT" for Portuguese, Portugal.
[accepted] result object: data
Type:  string
Email address the email was sent to.
Type:  string
Email address the email was sent from.
[not accepted] result object: rejectedReason
Type:  string Localized
Describes why the user account could not be reset.
Type:  string

This keyword indicates why a new user account could not be created. The following values are possible:

The database is in read-only mode.
No email address or user name was specified.
No user record exists with the specified email address or user name.
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