Filmchief Manual

Publishing event schedules


This article describes how you can publish the schedule of your festival event online.

An event schedule can be published to your audience in various ways. Each method has advantages and drawbacks, which will be discussed in this article as well.

Method 1: linking

This is by far the easiest way of sharing your event’s schedule with the outside world. Each event in Filmchief has a publicly accessible schedule page in the Portal.

How to link to a public event schedule

  1. Go to the Event schedule page of the appropriate event.
  2. Click Export / Print and then View public schedule.
  3. You should now see the public event schedule page, which can be accessed by anyone on the internet. Copy the URL of this page and share it in any way you prefer.

Method 2: embedding

A slightly more advanced way of sharing the schedule is by embedding the schedule on your festival website. Compared to linking, this method has two advantages:

  • Configurable schedule
  • Better integration with your website

How to embed an event schedule

  1. Go to the Event schedule page of the appropriate event.
  2. Click Export / Print and then Get embed code.
  3. On the Settings tab, you can change the appearance of the schedule. Check the Preview tab to see the results.
  4. Go to the Embed code tab to copy the schedule’s html/css markup code.
  5. Paste the embed code in the html editor of your festival website.

Method 3: API integration

The most advanced and powerful way of integrating the event schedule (and more) in your festival website is by letting your website connect with Filmchief through one of the APIs. This has the following advantages:

  • Seamless integration with your website
  • Schedule data is always up to date
  • Using the API, you can publish any Filmchief content: include program details, film details, information about guests…

On the other hand, this method requires some technical skills, and you need to render any data from Filmchief yourself.

For more information about the available APIs, and how to use them, see the Filmchief Developer Help Center.

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